Do you realize that each day you awaken it’s a true gift? Of course you can’t possibly know what the day may bring, but one thing you can be sure of when you wake up is that the new day has arrived.
Every day brings new experiences and when you are passionate about what you do it becomes an enjoyable adventure. Your choices dictate your happiness as well. Think about it for a second. We all have been given the gift of choice and these choices can certainly rule our lives. No matter where you are or what work you do, it is by choice and that choice is stirred up by your passion.
So what has passion to do with learning from a dog? Yoder is our Labradoodle and the youngest member of our family. His passion for life is immense! It’s his passion that truly inspires me each and every day. For instance, Yoder can play fetch and catch all day long. He never seems to get tired, his energy is magnetic! He lives for the game of fetch. He will bring a new toy each day to us so we can throw it. Once we throw it, he watches to see where it falls before running to retrieve it.
Yoder never gets tired of the game of fetch. You would think that after numerous times of running to fetch the item he would grow bored. Instead he pounces, rolls his head and bounces up and down from the excitement as if each throw were the very first one. His joy is relentless and constant. This joy is one of true passion. He truly loves to play the game.

How about you? Is there a game that you are truly passionate about? What do you love? Are you relentless as Yoder and push ahead no matter the obstacle? It’s important to understand that each and every move you make should be one towards your ultimate goal. Then and only then will you feel the true passion as Yoder. How do you accomplish this?



  • Stay focused on your goal or dream
  • Cut out a photo and place it where you will see it each and every day
  • Look at this photo and smile, knowing that your dream will come true
  • Write down your goals and dreams in a journal
  • Make a plan to achieve them
  • Get an accountability partner – Yoder has us to play the game with, who motivates you?
  • Start off small and then move to bigger and greater goals and dreams

The last tip is perhaps the most important of them all. Too often we dream large and get disappointed when our dreams don’t come to fruition. Instead start off small, and celebrate each accomplishment and step towards the larger goal or dream.

Choosing and celebrating even the smallest accomplishments will keep you motivated. Stick to this plan and be like Yoder; be persistent, relentless and consistent. Most of all: do it with joy and energy!

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