Welcome to discovering the answer to many things in your story! This leading website and newsletter is here for you to be inspired to live more, be more, love more and move forward in God’s purpose through 5 life changing challenges and through inspiring stories.
Our mission is to inspire and challenge you and to give you the tools to lead a happy, healthy, wealthy, and more balanced lifestyle. To create a community where millions of women (and some amazing men) from all over the world come together in support and celebration of what God has done in our lives.
You impact what our world will look like in the future. Your influence fosters growth or decline in the workplace, your business, home, church and society. We all need support and accountability and gain inspiration and courage through each others’ stories.
Please join us and be both inspired and challenged to live life to the fullest each day in purpose, achieving the great things that God has designed for each of us.
“I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full” – Jesus (John 10:10)
An Unexpected Story
An unexpected story is unfolding in my life. Little did I know how plump my little insert-book was destined to become. Yes, I call it the insert-book. I’ve been laboring over Teatime Stories for three years and as I thought the end was in sight, the little book – Your Story Matters was written and published in five months. It all made sense as the writing came to an end. It’s the essence, the foundation of the books to follow, of my speaking and of the platform that’s developing for women (and a few amazing men). Each story matters. God’s story matters as it breathes life into our stories.
But this is not the unexpected story . . .
The invitation to the unexpected story lay waiting in my Facebook Inbox one morning a few months ago:
Can I translate your book into Spanish and would you be willing to come to Mexico and speak to our ladies? The unexpected story began.
My heart leapt, my fingers tapped the words, “Of Course, YES”. My emotions spilled a tear down my cheek. My voice was silent as the blood pulsed through my body, drowning every sound.
In the days and weeks that have followed my mind has raced:
I have no funds for this project –
Translation fees, travel expenses, printing costs
I’m scared –
Is it safe, is there clean water, will it matter to the women
How do I fit it into my schedule
Answers are coming and my faith is growing. More than that, my heart is expanding.
The love I feel for these unknown women is a thread woven into my entire life story. Our cultures have similarities as to the roles of women, love of family, deep joy and serving. Strong women within the confines of culture.
I can hardly wait to lay my eyes on this Spanish translation. To share and walk among the ladies. To see life through their eyes. Somehow I think I already do. Of essence we are all so alike, yet unique as individuals because of our different stories.
Can you imagine all that lies ahead in such an unexpected story?
Have you had an unexpected story?
Please share your story with me.
To read about why Your Story Matters: