She walked through the hull of the USS Alabama, surrounded by plaques, pictures, memorials, memorabilia and dioramas. Each one beckoned for her attention. Yet, she was drawn to the little teacup in the Captain’s quarters. As a photographer, she started clicking away taking many angled pictures and suddenly a sentence from her favorite book came to mind. It says, “This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor of our souls.” (Hebrews 6:19). Her next thought poised to completely change her life: “Yes, I am the anchor of your soul, but who fills your cup?”


About that time in her life she had been praying and yearning for the good ole’ days when she felt the presence of God strong in her life. The days when her cup was running over and she knew that He was with her. For so many years life felt purpose-filled. Now all that remained were the memories of a full cup.

After examining her ‘cup’, she realized somewhere along the way, like the teacup in the Captain’s quarters, her cup had been turned over. Not knowing when, why or how it happened. It could’ve been when a pastor started to molest her. Maybe it happened standing on the side of a road when she was told her fiancé was dead six weeks before their wedding. Maybe it happened with unemployment, bankruptcy or infertility.

She knew it didn’t really matter when it happened, but she knew she couldn’t let it stay like that. So she paused. Then she gave thanks. She thanked God for always being the anchor of her soul that kept her from drifting away. She thanked Him for the inspiration He sent through a little teacup on a battleship.

But most of all she thanked Him for the ability to turn her cup over.

Maybe you haven’t felt like your spiritual cup has been full in a while.

Will you to examine your cup?

Have circumstances caused you to turn it over?

The rest of Hebrew 6:19 says “It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary”. The anchor leads us to the only place, God’s inner sanctuary. Here is where our cups can overflow. Can you now give thanks and sing:

“Fill my cup Lord. I lift it up Lord. Fill it up and make me whole.”

Story of Tina Mahon. To connect with Tina: ”Survivors Shine Bright” FB page  

Will you turn your cup over and allow the Captain Quarters Teacup Story to examine your story, give thanks to God for what’s good around you and let Him fill your cup anew?

If you have a story to share that can encourage someone, email:

If you want to learn more of why Your Story Matters and what to do about it: