2014 – The year of adventure, in a different way. It was not a year of discovering new places or cultures, yet one of extraordinary happenings. It was an adventure story of not knowing what comes next, being open and experiencing inner change. I smile as I read January’s post as it’s just how this year unfolded!Season_500x500

I was privileged to facilitate and be part of the leadership team that birthed our first Lead n Link Women’s Conference here in Savannah and sharing for the first time my story for Him. Now we’re working on the second conference to be held in February 2015. I had no idea this would all transpire – what fun and such a rich joy to experience.

Personal Growth and being more than I have ever been, became my hearts desire and prayer. I desired His will for my life, not my own and this unchartered territory opened the door to an unexpected adventure where my security, well laid out plans and ideas were removed. Before I knew it, the company and people I love and did training for in the Florida Keys, needed me full-time or not at all. We ended the contract and the good-bye was bitter-sweet as I moved on from my life of seventeen years there.

During this time I was introduced to VISI, which at first was a furthering of my continuing journey of health and wellness. It impacted my life so powerfully that it became a business venture and what an experience it is! Talk about personal growth that takes you out of your comfort zone! Yes, it truly is facilitating that I am becoming more than I have ever been. Outside of the amazing products which are  like none other – and I have tried a few – the people, leadership and process touches your life deeply. (I will have to do a separate post on this).

Financial discipline has been another important goal and as I focused on it and participated in a financial management class, the details of achieving victory became clear – it was time to relinquish our dream log home in the mountains. What a journey of letting go and the miracle of selling the house this month in perfect time – once again a sweet story for another post.

Wrapping up this year plunges me into readiness for 2015. This new year is already filled with plans, goals and dreams as I’m working on the completion of my book manuscript, Teatime Stories, due for release late February. There’s the conference, retreats, Teatime Stories Chapter meetings, VISI and more – all in His time, His plan. Finally I’ve learned to not be attached to the outcomes and to just do the next step faithfully, with joy. Who knows what amazing things will surface that I could not have remotely engineered!

 I know that my God is incredibly extravagant and generous and that in all I do, He will be seen (Acts 20:24 MSG). Talk about a story that proves this! Yes, it is in my upcoming book Teatime Stories, as well as the stories of others. I am dedicating my life, my blog, speaking, writing – everything, to creating a platform for us all to share what He has done, is doing for us.

Do you have a story to share? Email me. Do you still need to unravel your stories? Stay tuned, we’ll do it together.

Let’s adventure together through story! Merry Christmas      Xmas pic             and I pray that you rise to the challenge of living your                                                    best year ever in 2015!