Welcome to discovering the answer to many things in your story! This leading website and newsletter is here for you to be inspired to live more, be more, love more and move forward in God’s purpose through 5 life changing challenges and through inspiring stories.
Our mission is to inspire and challenge you and to give you the tools to lead a happy, healthy, wealthy, and more balanced lifestyle. To create a community where millions of women (and some amazing men) from all over the world come together in support and celebration of what God has done in our lives.
You impact what our world will look like in the future. Your influence fosters growth or decline in the workplace, your business, home, church and society. We all need support and accountability and gain inspiration and courage through each others’ stories.
Please join us and be both inspired and challenged to live life to the fullest each day in purpose, achieving the great things that God has designed for each of us.
“I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full” – Jesus (John 10:10)
Radical Obedience
Working at Starbucks was the first of an interlude of radical obedience in my life this year. It all began on my birthday in January when I asked God what I could give Him as a gift of of thanks. “Your story Emra, the one you haven’t told”. With that came a picture of a circular place and me sharing. I promised that I would tell it to two, twenty or two-hundred, knowing He would make the story to tell clear.
A month later the crazy notion of working part-time at Starbucks came about and the moments there were filled with everyday workplace details. Most which I hadn’t experienced for a long time, having being in management and leadership. This was real people-stuff, I had little say in how work played out and simply had to endure it. It was different for me. Humbling and perhaps crafting a willingness, an enabling for servanthood.
Four months later, I stood in a circular space before two-hundred women at the Lead n Link Conference telling the story I had promised to tell. Radical obedience. Doing what doesn’t seem to make sense.
Soon after the Conference the Starbucks experience ended as I plunged into writing, assumed studies to complete my Human Studies degree and held the first Teatime Stories Chapter tea. This is just the beginning of an exciting adventure where God is combining all He’s designed me to be, my life experiences and His gracious interventions to show His story of love through mine.
What does Radical Obedience look like?
1) Time spent with God
- Read His Word daily
- Time spent in deep, reflective prayer
2) Hear and listen to Him
- Confession and repentance
- Change what needs changing
3) Action steps
- Take the next step He asks of you
Often it makes no sense at the time but as you look back, it always does. It’s not only about the task at hand, it’s about YOU being molded for the task ahead. Upside down moments are really right side up in Him.
What is He asking of you today as He takes you to your tomorrow with Him?