Welcome to discovering the answer to many things in your story! This leading website and newsletter is here for you to be inspired to live more, be more, love more and move forward in God’s purpose through 5 life changing challenges and through inspiring stories.
Our mission is to inspire and challenge you and to give you the tools to lead a happy, healthy, wealthy, and more balanced lifestyle. To create a community where millions of women (and some amazing men) from all over the world come together in support and celebration of what God has done in our lives.
You impact what our world will look like in the future. Your influence fosters growth or decline in the workplace, your business, home, church and society. We all need support and accountability and gain inspiration and courage through each others’ stories.
Please join us and be both inspired and challenged to live life to the fullest each day in purpose, achieving the great things that God has designed for each of us.
“I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full” – Jesus (John 10:10)
Saying YES Today Leads to Tomorrow’s Assignment
“I imagine that Yes is the only living thing”. E.E. Cummings

When you say YES to today’s assignment, life rushes through you like a tidal-wave of energy, joy and fulfillment. When you look over your shoulder at what happened, peace floods your soul. You know what it means to say, “I’ve truly lived. I am alive. Life is amazing. It is good”.
That is exactly what happened with the Yes to the HOPE Walk:
“No matter your age, stage of life, or circumstances, don’t forget to dare to dream with God. You don’t have to figure anything out. Just keep saying yes to Him, in big ways and small, and watch what He does”. Lysa Terkeurst
Saying Yes to The HOPE Doll Project led to the birth of The International School of Story which led to The HOPE Walk. YES is a living thing. One action leads to another. I am truly not figuring this out. Not conjuring up what’s next.
I spend time with God. Do each step required. (Now, here’s a few details in these steps – this is for another story). Focus on the people within the assignment. And then . . .Is there a next assignment?
YES! Of course!
Halfway into the walk, I knew:
- There will be more walks. This is a foundational part of the International School of Story.
- It’s time to ask. Look for The Place – a physical space for the studio where the dolls and products will be made, where teaching, speaking and mentoring will be done. AND a house for women going through difficult times.
So I wait to hear and watch to see what God will do. Now I know that each day will be laced with next steps for these assignments – each one part of my Call. My Call – to share HOPE. To facilitate a Platform and Place where we can change the world through our stories.
“Don’t let fear or frustration – or the fact that others around you seem to be all set – immobilize you. But do, from this day forward, open yourself up to possibilities you might never have considered. Step up. Step out of your comfort zone. Consider saying ‘yes’ even when ‘no’ feels much safer”.
Meredith Vieira
What do YOU need to say YES to today?
Will you allow God to let you live life fully?
Will you open the door and not miss tomorrow’s assignment?
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full”. John 10:10