by Emra Smith | Feb 3, 2016 | Blog
My small story of an insignificant longing of my heart that has started a journey of significance . . . I believe that God plants dreams, longings in our hearts. Sometimes they don’t seem to make sense and we forget them. They pop up now and then and are gone again....
by Emra Smith | Apr 13, 2015 | Blog
Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Is there any area in your life where you feel stuck? Need to discover life unstuck? I didn’t really think that I have any stuck areas in my life – I have a plan, have learned to lighten up on my self-imposed deadlines...
by Emra Smith | Jan 2, 2014 | Blog
Taking the plunge into adventure for 2014 started exactly as that! I chose to Be More, Live More, In His Purpose and do things differently this year. No goals, no plans. Whew, this is really hard for me as I like to run ahead and be ever so active. With God’s...
by Emra Smith | Oct 17, 2012 | Blog
During the month of September I made the long trip from the USA to South Africa to say goodbye to my Pappie – beloved dad, in Afrikaans. As I said goodbye to my past, I was given the present and the future. By embracing recollections through photos, family,...